
Archive for March, 2011

I have several totally unrelated bits and pieces to share, but then, aren’t they usually?  First off, during these past two weeks when I’ve been dealing with such pain in my back and leg, there’s one important duty I’ve neglected, which has come back to bite me.  I’ve totally neglected to fight back against the mole!!! And the result?  Take a look for yourself.  Once he realized that I wasn’t out there pounding the tunnels back down, he had himself a field day. There are over ten tunnels there and those are just the ones to the left of my stepping-stones!  It makes me sick.


Dolly Parton was a guest on Good Morning America this morning.  Now, first off, I love Dolly.  I really do.  I have several of her albums and think she is the sweetest person.  But, let me tell you, she has GOT to stop having plastic surgery!  When they showed her the first time, I took a double-take.  Her mouth is pulled to both sides so tightly that she looks like The Joker in Batman!  And her eyes, too, are pulled so that they look like Catwoman’s!  I was going to include a picture here, but all of her pictures are touched up.  She’s 65, for crying out loud.  Why doesn’t she just accept it?


I was in a mood to shake things up, so I decided to go with a different color of fingernail polish.  First I tried lavender, but it make my hands look corpse-like.  But then I tried this blue and I kind of like it!  What do you say?  Go or no?  (Please ignore the bony, OLD, red-knuckled hands!  They’re the only ones I have.)


And finally, for those of you who have told me that I should have a pet, I have finally found the perfect one for me.  Ready?

Okay, here it is...a lap giraffe!

I need one of these badly.  I really do.  You all know I do.  Just because my birthday has just passed, don’t let that stop you.  It would make a lovely “belated birthday gift.”  You can find out more about them HERE.

So, until I get that big surprise…

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On Cloud Patrol #21

Well, what do you know?  I went outside the other day and found a sky full of clouds and immediately ran inside for my camera!  The funny thing was – everything I “saw” involved heads and faces.  There were no bodies, no interesting scenes, but perhaps those will come with warmer weather.  I’ve decided to present them to you from easiest to hardest, since you’re probably out of practice.  Without further ado, here is the easiest.

I call this one “Doofus Guy.”  It’s pretty hard to miss him. His eye is in the upper middle and he has a very pointy nose.  His mouth is open and he has a small chin and a long neck.  His collar is up.  Oh yeah, and he has long hair that is blowing in the wind.  See him?

This second one is “Rabid Clouds.”  Two crazy vicious clouds are about to devour the helpless one in the middle. Okay, you can barely see the one in the middle over the fence.  On the left is one insane cloud with his mouth open and a mean eye.  The one on the right also has his mouth open and he looks to be purely evil!

Okay this next one is called “Gremlin Guy.”  I think he’s pretty obvious, too. His pointy nose is in the middle-right of the picture.  He also looks remarkably like Grandpa Munster from the TV show.

Okay, now we’re getting into harder territory.  This one is called “Girl in a Coma.”  She is lying down and staring straight up. If you start at the left upper corner, you’ll be at her hair and bangs.  Move down and you see her big eye, complete with eyelashes.  She kind of has a piggy nose and her mouth is slightly open.  She also has braids behind her head.  This one takes an eye.  Can you make her out?

And last but not least, is the hardest one of all.  You get extra credit if you can figure out this one.  Sometimes when I look at it I can’t see anything.  Then, when I make it out, I can’t believe how obvious it is.  It’s called “The Guy From Above.”  It’s not God, but probably a friend of His. To orientate you, in the middle toward the bottom of the screen is a blob of cloud which is his big fat nose.  From there, you should be able to see two eyes, a smiling mouth and a white beard on his chin.  Or, you could start at the beard which is in the lower middle right and work up from there.  He is literally looking down at the earth from the sky.  Can you see him?

So, now that I’ve given your minds a good workout, I’ll bring this to a close.  As always, if you have the time I’d love to know which ones you found and which you couldn’t see.  And until next time, remember “Keep your eyes on the skies.”

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Something weird is going on in my house.  At first I just thought I was going crazy or something, but now I’m beginning to suspect “outside forces.”

It started a couple of days ago. I woke up and went into the bathroom to wash my face.  But, when I looked into the mirror, I got a shock.  My bangs were standing straight up! Let me clarify why that was so odd.  I have the kind of bangs that are relatively thick and are the kind which lay down straight just by the force of gravity.  Still, it would be normal if I got up and they were messy, as in tousled or disarranged or even swept a bit to the side.  But, in order to achieve the look I found, I would have had to wet them down, apply hair gel and then comb them straight up to dry that way!  Sure, I’ve been on pain pills for my back, but come on!  I would never do that to my hair in a million years!  As I gazed at this totally unfamiliar me, I began to get seriously creeped out. I started looking around to make sure there weren’t hidden cameras somewhere.

Then today when I woke up, I noticed that one of the bottles of e-juice (for my electronic cigarette,) that was on the nightstand was missing.  I had used it before I went to bed and it should have been right there with another bottle.  It was gone.  I’m the only person who lives in my house.  I got up and checked the bookcase, my vanity table and the bathroom counter and it was nowhere to be found.  Once again, creepy feeling.  After a cup of coffee, I was making the bed and, out of curiosity, looked under it.  I saw the bottle cap first and then the bottle, but not at the edge of the bed where it would have been if I had knocked if off the nightstand in my sleep.  It was way in the middle under the bed, so far under that I had to crawl to get it! Now, how could that have happened?  How could it have fallen off and rolled way under there?  The floor is carpeted.

It was about now that I began to wonder about elves or maybe some other-worldly sort of beings.  After all, I’m known to be alien-friendly.  But still, I decided to let it go as some sort of inexplicable fluke…until now.

I was in the kitchen drying some dishes, using the dish towel which I took off the rack.  As I was drying a bowl, I felt something round and hard in the dish towel.  When I tracked it down with my fingers, I saw it was one of the little rubber feet from the bottom of one of my iBooks!  Huh?  I went to check the iBook.  Sure enough, one of its little feet was missing.  But here’s the thing, at no time have those two objects ever been in the same room.  Never.  So how did the little foot make its way into the kitchen?  Not by human means, I can tell ya that!

So yes, my house has been invaded by elves or aliens or alien elves or something.  I’m sure they have a great sense of humor and are, even now, circulating a picture of me with my bangs standing straight up on their little Facebook pages.

So it starts out funny, but who knows where it goes from here?  All I can say is that if I don’t appear on this blog in a couple of days, you might want to notify the National Security Council or the folks at Area 51 or something.  Just sayin’

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Okay, so here’s the deal.  I was going to write a post for my regular “Five Good Things” series and…I was coming up blank.  It’s not that I don’t have good things, but I’ve already written about all the obvious ones like birds singing and good friends and sunrises, etc.  And when you’re looking at the world with damned double vision and your leg hurts with every step you take, and you’re feeling a bit hopeless and unloved, it’s a bit harder to find the more subtle things.  So, I decided to make lemonade out of lemons. So here are my:



1) You learn patience. Once you’re sucked into the medical establishment, you’ll soon discover that everything is “hurry up and wait.”  You’re expected to get to your appointments early, but the doctor isn’t necessarily expected to see you right on the dot…or even near the dot, for that matter.  I’ve learned that you can go to almost any pharmacy in the country and be spouting blood through every orifice as you hand the pharmacist your prescription and most likely he/she will say, “it will be about 45 minutes.”  No matter what kind of pain you’re in, never forget, you’re just another number.

2) You REALLY learn who your friends are. Let’s face it, a friend who has a medical challenge that goes on and on is really no fun.  When someone asks me lately how I’m doing, I can lie and say that I’m fine, in which case a real friend can tell I’m lying to them.  Or I can tell them the truth which is that I feel like shit (in hell, remember?) and then what can they say?  That they’re sorry?  I know they are.  It’s much easier to just “forget” me for a while.  I get that.  But, believe it or not, some don’t.  Some check with me regularly and they’re not just being polite.  They really, truly, CARE how I am.  Certain ones, who will remain nameless, get bossy and tell me to get my ass on the sofa and REST for God’s sake!  Such kindness makes me want to cry…and also makes me love them.

3) You become grateful for the smallest kindnesses. After dealing with doctor’s offices and pain clinics and pharmacies, you become used to being just a piece of meat.  After all, they have so many people to see in a day that its unusual for them to become emotionally involved.  The hard part of this is that when you’re really suffering, you feel so vulnerable.  I’ve actually had two or three people go out of their way to be nice to me and let me tell you, it meant the world to me.  There was Brenda, who pushed and begged and wheedled to get me an appointment at a pain clinic that same day so that I wouldn’t have to go a sixth night without sleep.  I know it was her job, but still, she became a hero to me.  And there was Janet, the hospital scheduler who helped me cancel my eye surgery that I had been awaiting so desperately.  She took time to comfort me and assure me that we were only postponing it and that they couldn’t take a chance with my eyes.  She said she knew how hard it was and that her heart ached for me.  A medical person said that!  I was so touched that I ended up telling her that I loved her, not in Lesbian way, you understand, but loved her nonetheless.

4) You become stronger. I know darned well that if I ever make it through these present challenges, it will take a heck of a lot to shake me in the future.  When I’m through with this, I’ll probably be able to catch bullets in my teeth!  And maybe leap a tall building or two.  Just watch me!

5) Your faith kicks in, big time. I have a good friend who says this experience I’ve been going through, what with the eyes and the teeth and then the ruptured disc, reminds him of the story of Job in the Bible.  Job, if you’ll recall is the poor guy who had about every kind of tragedy visited upon him and yet would still not turn against God.  In the end God rewarded him with all that he had before and more. (I always wondered if that meant that his wife and daughters came back to life (which would be creepy) or if he got new ones, in which case the first ones got a bum deal.) Anyway, there have been times when I’ve questioned why all these things have happened to me, but I never thought of blaming God.  I do believe there’s a reason for everything, even though humans often can’t see the forest for the trees.  I’m going to hang in there, no matter how hard it is, because I believe that my particular miracle could be just around the corner. Yep, that’s my truth and I’m sticking with it.


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Free TV…and More!

I’ve never felt the need for cable TV, a fact which I think some of my friends find a bit odd, since I often buy entire seasons of certain cable shows on DVD.  But, when you weigh the cost of a DVD set against the outrageous monthly rates for cable, which go on forever, I’m sure I’m getting the better deal!

So, instead of having cable boxes on my TV’s, I actually still have antennas.  Then, when the government made the switch from analog TV over to digital on June 13, 2009, I had to hustle to get coupons and then buy converter boxes for those TVs, since they were too old to be wired for digital. ( I have since hooked them up to digital recorders which do the converting without a box.)

I had no idea what to expect after the conversion.  Turns out, I was pleasantly surprised!  A lot of my channels had babies!  My public TV channel 19 was suddenly 19-1 and I discovered I had a 19-2 and a 19-3, as well.  Each of those channels had a huge range of broadcasting, everything from travel and cooking shows to do-it-yourself, hobby, and cultural shows.  And 19 wasn’t the only channel to have offspring.  So did 41, which only had one baby, 41-2 but also 50, which had triplets!  Before I knew it, I began to have a whole new slew of shows to watch.  At first, Channel 9 was the only major network to create a baby and for a while it didn’t really show much other than weather broadcasts.  That was until one night I noticed that some dumb football game was scheduled for the same night and time as the “Grey’s Anatomy” season finale, which was a rather big deal to me.  I guess viewers gave them enough advance warning because they got out the word that “Grey’s” would be shown on 9-2, and by golly, it was!

So, for a couple of years now I’ve enjoyed having far more channels than I ever did before.  But the real treat came about a month ago.  I was surfing the channels and noticed that, out of the blue, Channel 4 now had a baby called 4-2.  And 4-2 turns out to be this wonderful channel called “Antenna TV.”  All of the shows I grew up with have surfaced once more on this network.  According to Wikipedia, Antenna TV  “is being offered to would-be affiliates on a barter basis, an agreement in which the station will get the programming at little or no cost in exchange for giving a certain amount of commercial time to the network.”

Just some of the programs they offer are The Partridge Family, Gidget, Father Knows Best, Good Times, Three’s Company, The Nanny, Married…with Children, the Monkees, Sandford and Son, All in the Family, The Three Stooges, Hazel, The Ropers, The Flying Nun, Too Close for Comfort, and Three’s a Crowd. Any of those bring back memories for you?  The show I’ve been catching after the local evening news is Maude. Just seeing it several times so far has already taken me back to other, more innocent, times in my life and has reminded me how much I used to love that show.  Catching just the tail end of a Monkees episode made me question how a younger me actually thought they were so cool.  And Good Times for some reason has evoked a “Saturday-night-hair- washing-and getting-ready-for-Sunday-church” vibe.  This network is such a cool place to escape when you want to think back to simpler times.  It’s all your little retro heart could hope for.  The only problem is that I’ve only found a programming guide on-line, but that might eventually change.

So hey!  Who needs cable?  I’ve got all the shows I’ll ever need and the beauty of it is…they’re all free!  How fun is that?  Think of that the next time you pay your cable bill.  🙂

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Joke Break #1

No matter what you’re doing or what’s going on in your life, it’s always good to be able to take a break and enjoy a good joke.  And, what better way to end your weekend and/or start your Monday than with a smile?  This one was sent to me by a friend and it makes me smile each time I read it!


First-year students at the Vet School were attending their first anatomy class, with a real dead cow. They all gathered around the surgery table with the body covered with a white sheet.

The professor started the class by telling them, “In Veterinary medicine
 it is necessary to have two important qualities as a doctor: the first is that you not be disgusted by anything involving the animal body.”

 an example, the Professor pulled back the sheet, stuck his finger in the butt of the dead cow, withdrew it, and stuck his finger in his mouth.

 ahead and do the same thing,” he told his students.
 The students freaked out, hesitated for several minutes, but eventually took turns sticking a finger in the butt of the dead cow and sucking on

When everyone finished, the Professor looked at them and said, “The
 second most important quality is observation. I stuck in my middle
 finger and sucked on my index finger. Now learn to pay attention. Life’s tough, but it’s even tougher if you’re stupid.”



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When last I posted I was exhausted from being in pain and walking hunched over for almost a week and being unable to sleep.  I was due for an MRI the next day.  This picks up where I left off…

Tuesday morning I was at the MRI place bright and early for my 7:00 a.m. appointment. When I was undressed and taken to the room, a problem emerged.  I couldn’t lay flat on the table!  Every time I tried, the pain took my breath away and my body popped right up.  They gave me a variety of pillows and pads and nothing worked.  My eyes filled with tears and I said, “I HAVE to make this work!”  Finally, after about ten minutes, I found a position which was still painful, but bearable.  The MRI lasted at least thirty minutes and my back felt every one of those minutes.  After it was over, I limped, hunchbacked, to my car and went home.

Once in a while people surprise you.  When I got home, I called the scheduler, Brenda, and left a voice mail telling her the MRI was over and when the results should be in.  I asked her to please let the doctor know, so that, maybe, just maybe I could get into a pain management center that day.  I really didn’t expect much.  I mean, she’s dealing with many cases and I was just one.  But at 9:50 a.m. she called me and said that she had had to call several pain places and tried to wheedle an appointment for me that day.  Most were full, but she managed to do it!  She said, “You have an 11:15 appointment at the hospital and you must have a driver.”  OMG!  I had about ONE HOUR to get a driver and get there!

This is where you find out who your true friends are.  Iris was the only person I could think of who could make it in the time frame.  But, what a favor to ask!  However,  I had no choice.  I called her and said, “Iris, my dear, dear friend.  I have an emergency.  Can you drop everything, hop into your car, pick me up and drive me to this hospital up North?  I know it’s a lot, but it’s a chance to get me out of pain.”  She didn’t even hesitate, just said, “Let me get my clothes on and I’ll pick you up by 10:30.” And she did, bless her.

After filling out a huge volume of paper work, I got in to see the doctor.  He gave me the results of the MRI.  I had ruptured a disc! He proposed giving me an epidural steroid injection and prescriptions for a different pain medicine than I’d had and a nerve medicine which helps damaged nerves.

This epidural thing is a bigger deal than I knew.  It’s not just a shot.  First they gave me a sedative. Then they took me to a room with a special machine that would allow them to guide the needle to the exact place where it was supposed to be.  They wanted me to lay face-down on on the table.  Another problem.  Every time I tried, my back went into a spasm.  It was a nightmare.  I tried so hard and each time, my body rebelled.  They gave me more sedative and I finally managed.

Next thing I knew, I opened my eyes and a nurse was frowning at me and almost yelling, “What is the number of your pain?”  I was still disoriented and asked.
“Where am I?”  Finally it came to me.  Before I left, two nurses and the doctor had warned me that I wouldn’t magically be cured immediately.  They said that it takes 24 to 48 hours for the steroid to kick in.  Despite that, when I got off the table, I could stand upright!  That part was a miracle! My leg still hurt when I walked, but…baby steps.

Twenty-four hours later my back is still good.  The leg still has pain when I walk, but it might be fading a bit.  They gave me a discharge sheet and number 5 on that list said: “You may experience increased pain and muscle spasm for 24-48 hours after your injection due to the trauma of the injection itself.” I’m hanging on to that.

Now the BAD NEWS and it’s really bad. My eye surgery had to be rescheduled! That broke my heart, but my eye surgeon and pain doctor agreed.  The biggest risk of the eye surgery is infection and the steroid I received lowers the immune system.  It is what it is.  So now it’s scheduled for April 18th.

I apologize that this post is so long and promise it will be the last medical one for a while.  Thanks for sticking with me.

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My Downward Spiral

I usually schedule my posts two or three days ahead of real-time, which is great in keeping me from feeling any stress to “produce.”  But in the present case, you’ve been reading nice, pleasant little pieces in my blog while in real life I’ve been in real trouble, feeling more miserable than I ever imagined possible.

About a week ago I started having a back problem which I just sloughed off as “a catch in my back.”  Then it got to where a couldn’t bend over to put on my shoes without pain and it began to get my attention.  But a couple of days later, last Thursday night to be precise, a very weird thing happened.  The back problem just disappeared to be immediately be replaced by a horrible pain in my right buttock that ran all the way down my leg.  Suddenly, I couldn’t stand up without excruciating pain.  Thursday in the middle of the night I got out of bed to go to the bathroom and it was like I was being electrocuted the minute my right leg touched the floor.  I ended up on all fours on the bathroom floor, scared out of my wits.  Getting up again took courage because the pain was there just waiting.  I finally crawled back to bed, debating whether or not to call 911.  I decided to wait until morning.

In the morning, I looked up the symptoms and came up with something called “sciatica,” which could be caused by all sorts of things, but the one that rang true for me was a pinched sciatic nerve, which runs from the buttocks all the way down to the ankle..  All day Friday I tried to stay prone as much as possible.  When I HAD to get up, I had to walk hunched over, which has become my permanent position.  I did all the things I could think of – rubs, heavy pain pills, heat, cold, and massage.  Nothing helped.

Saturday it was so bad that fear drove me to the Urgent Care Clinic at my doctor’s office.  The doctor who saw me confirmed my diagnosis.  I asked him about cortisone shots I had read about which relieve this kind of situation.  He said that first we had to try medication.  He wrote prescriptions for heavy-duty pain pills and muscle relaxants.  He said if they didn’t help significantly by Monday, he wanted me to call the office to be scheduled for an MRI. I left with hope that maybe all I needed was the pills.

They didn’t work.  They didn’t touch the pain – not even a little bit.  I’m writing this on Monday and I haven’t slept through the night since Thursday.  When I called for the MRI first thing this morning, the bureaucratic red tape kicked in.  The soonest I could get in was Tuesday at 7:00 a.m.  It’s like “So sorry, suffer a little more!”  And if it does, indeed, turn out to be a pinched nerve, I’ve found out the doctor can’t give me an epidural.  O no, that has to be administered by a “pain management center.”  God knows when I can get an appointment there.  Naturally!  It’s like there’s always one more wall between me and relief.

By the time you’re reading this I could either have received some help at long last, or else am still waiting for yet someone else to see me.

But I have to tell you, as I’m writing this on Monday night, I am feeling beyond hopeless.  I’m supposed to have my eye surgery next Monday, but I can’t even think about that, what with all the pain that I feel  just walking through my house.  Sometimes I crawl.  I can not stand up straight.  Picture that for a minute.  I have to hunch over all the time! At the doctor’s office just walking from my car into the building almost killed me.  My world has become the pain.  At night I lie totally still and can feel the pain throbbing through my leg.  I don’t know how much more of this I can take.

I really, truly don’t.


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Well, I hope you guys are happy!

You always push and whine until you get your way and then you thumb your noses at those of us who see things differently.  And then, to make things worse, we have to listen to you gloat for almost eight months!

Yes, as you’ve probably already guessed, it’s time for my yearly rant against your stupid Daylight Saving time!

Every year you insist on going against Nature and the natural order of things and you monkey with the clocks.  Only in my house it isn’t just normal clocks.  It’s also a collection of watches, a stove clock, microwave clock, coffeemaker clock, two digital recorder clocks, three TV clocks, a burglar alarm clock and…the one I always forget…my car clock!  And why?  So you can have more hours of daylight at night! Ridiculous!

What about the word “night” don’t you understand?  Under normal circumstances we already have daylight coming out the ying-yang!  Most of our life takes place in daylight, while a large percentage of night goes by while we’re sleeping. That should be enough for you.

Needless to say I, personally, prefer the night. I love it when darkness falls, the moon rises and the sky is filled with a host of twinkling stars.  The night is mystery.  The night is enchantment and romance.  The night is peaceful and filled with potential.

The day, on the other hand, is sunburns.  The day is noise and traffic.  The day is sun beating down on the top of your head and nearly blinding you.  The dayis babies with poopy diapers.  (Okay!  I just threw that last one in, but you get my point!)

So, anyway, you win again.  We’ve lost a precious hour of time and we won’t get it back until the first Sunday in November.  November!  It’s so unfair!

But seeing how I’m in the minority with these feelings, I guess I’ll just have to wait until late, late in the night, gather up my moon and my stars and have myself a good old healthy pout!  So go ahead!  Enjoy your stupid old Daylight Saving Time!

I know I won’t.  😦



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What better time than the weekend to catch up on various updates, thoughts and ideas?  Today’s post will contain nothing earthshaking, just me being me.  With that said, here goes:

1) I often wonder if anyone in the world is capable of using super glue without getting it on themselves.  This has been a curse for me because I love super glue!  It’s miraculous stuff.  But, no matter how careful I am, I always end up with just a little on my fingers and I hate that feeling of dried glue on your hands that you can’t peel off.  Sometimes fingernail polish remover can help, but in my case, not often. By the way, it won’t bite off, either!

I accidentally knocked over my indoor/outdoor thermometer and broke the little holder it fits in that makes it stand up.  After trying to glue a teensy piece of plastic back on, I gave up and decided to glue the whole holder onto it.  I doubted whether or not it would work, but after applying the glue, I stood there holding the pieces together for a long, long time in order to give it time to set up.  Finally, I sensed it was holding and decided to set it down to finish drying.  Oops!  Apparently this ingenious repair was destined to include my hand forever and ever because it was glued good and proper to the thing!  So typical.  I ended up doing the quick “rip fast and hard” method of extraction and freed myself.  And then I got to live with glue-y fingers the rest of the day.  (But the thermometer is standing again!)


2) From now on, any time I hear someone complain that their “back is out,” I’m going to be SO MUCH MORE sympathetic than I have ever been before.  About a week or so ago, I woke up with a “catch” in my back and didn’t think much of it.  It seems that when I sleep on my side (which I prefer) it does something to my back every time.  (Although I can’t imagine why that is.)  Anyway, that “catch” apparently was a growing thing because each subsequent day it got worse and worse until I couldn’t bend over without excruciating pain.  I could still walk and stand and go up and down the stairs, but the slightest leaning or bending over would elicit this terribly unladylike grunt of agony.  Try putting on your shoes and shocks in that condition!  Or getting up from a chair.  Or washing your hair!  I’m trying everything from back exercises to heavy drugs to rubs, but I suspect I’ll just have to wait it out.  Like I needed something like this right now!


3) In case you’re wondering what happened to my regular feature “On Cloud Patrol,” chalk up its absence to our schizophrenic weather.  It goes from 60 degrees one day to below zero the next.  And the only time I’ve seen any good clouds was when I was driving and since I’ve been doing that with one eye, I didn’t think it was prudent to try to take a picture at the same time.  God knows I’m lucky to stay on the road as is!  I’m praying spring will bring my beloved clouds back.


4) Well Charlie Sheen’s insanity finally got him fired from “Two and A Half Men!”  Although he claims no one could replace him, there have already been several names circulating .  The ones I’ve heard are John Stamos Matt Dillon, Jennie McCarthy and Rob Lowe.  For me, this is a no-brainer.  I choose ……

I mean, hey!  What red-blooded woman doesn’t enjoy looking at this guy?  Seriously, if he got the job, I’d actually start watching the show!


And finally, I wrote about my talking to the scheduler for my eye surgery, but never mentioned the date.  It’s scheduled for Monday, March 21st at 7:30 a.m. (I have to be there at 6:30 a.m., but if you’re kind enough to send a prayer or good thought, aim for 7:30.)  I’ll probably remind you again the day before.  Meanwhile, I’m not exactly dwelling on the idea of getting a scalpel in both eyes!


Okay, those are my bits and my pieces for now.  You all take care!

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